House of Flavours 

Cannabis Club Barcelona

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Our Weed Club

Our Cannabis club is dedicated to providing best service and education in our slick and comfy environment. As a member, you can explore our carefully picked, exclusive events, and engage with a community that shares your Cannabis passion.

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Members Only


Non for Profit Association

At House of Flavours Weed Club in Barcelona, we operate with the local regulations surrounding cannabis use. Cannabis clubs in Barcelona function as private, members only associations, allowing the personal consumption of cannabis in a legal and controlled environment.

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Our club is not just about cannabis; it’s about a deep appreciation for the plant and its cultural significance. At House of Flavours, we focus on creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere where camaraderie and attention to detail are at the forefront.

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Inoltre, ci impegniamo a guidare i nostri membri attraverso le normative locali sulla cannabis. Ci assicuriamo che tutti i membri siano informati sulle linee guida legali e li aiutiamo a orientarsi tra le regole in modo che tutti possano vivere la propria esperienza in modo responsabile e nel rispetto della legge.

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I nostri obiettivi includono:

Noi di House of Flavors non siamo qui solo per fornire cannabis di alta qualità; ci dedichiamo anche ad aiutare i nostri membri ad affrontare le complessità del consumo di cannabis. Offriamo indicazioni sul consumo responsabile e ci assicuriamo che tu comprenda le normative locali per rimanere entro i limiti legali. Il nostro team è sempre disponibile a supportarti per qualsiasi domanda o dubbio, aiutandoti a fare scelte informate e sicure in ogni fase del percorso.

House of Flavours CLUB BARCELLONA NON HA PROMOTER DI STRADA! I CLUB LEGALI DI CANNABIS/MARIJUANA NON HANNO PROMOTORI IN STRADA. E' completamente ILLEGALE. Chiama o WhatsApp per informazioni sul club. Cannabis club che consiglia l'uso responsabile della marijuana.

Cannabis Clubs

 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A cannabis club in Barcelona is a private, members-only association where individuals can legally obtain and consume cannabis for personal use. These clubs operate within the framework of Spanish cannabis laws.

To become a member of a Barcelona cannabis club, you typically need to be at least 18 years old, provide a valid ID or passport, and meet any additional club-specific requirements. Contact the club for details on the registration process.

You’ll typically need to provide a valid ID or passport as proof of identity and age when applying for membership at a Barcelona cannabis club.

Barcelona cannabis clubs offer a variety of cannabis products, including different strains, edibles, concentrates, and more. The specific product selection may vary from one club to another.  

Yes, it is legal to smoke cannabis within the private premises of a cannabis club in Barcelona. However, it is important to respect the club’s rules and policies.  

Many clubs in Barcelona offer cannabis-infused edibles, such as brownies, gummies, and more. 

Most clubs have a minimum age requirement of 18 for membership. Some clubs may have a higher age limit. Be sure to confirm the age requirement with the club you’re interested in.

  While some clubs allow walk-ins, it’s often a good idea to check if a reservation is required, especially during peak hours or busy seasons. Contact the club for specific information.

Yes, there are usually rules and etiquette to follow, such as not sharing or reselling cannabis, not consuming in public areas, and respecting the club’s privacy. Be sure to review the club’s specific rules when you become a member.  

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